Animal Crossing New Horizons Best Villagers. Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a joy-filled life simulator where you develop an island paradise and become best friends with your animal neighbors Raymond is, by far, the most popular villager in all of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Now, for those wondering who to invite to their island, here is a list of the best and most popular villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
To do so, head to the Nook Stop terminal located at.
We have listed the personality traits of Males and Female villagers in New Horizons below.
The Basics: In the beginning, you get villagers a few different ways, either by building some special items for their homes or by plunking down a new. Your very first two starting villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons are always taken from a smaller pool of possible villagers than you'd think Even if you're not super happy about this news, it's good information to know in case you're planning to reset repeatedly for a specific villager when you. Here are some of the Villagers of the old versions making their big comeback on Animal Crossing New Horizons.