Flo Animal Crossing. Flo ist ein Vogel mit der Persönlichkeit Miesepeter. Flo (レイラ, Reira?, Leila) is a sisterly penguin villager who first appears in New Leaf.
Learn How to Draw Flo from Animal Crossing (Animal ... (Clara Schmidt)
Her name likely comes from "ice floe", referencing penguins' icy habitat. Her name is derived from ice floes, which are icy blocks often found floating in frigid waters. She first appeared in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
The following is a list of items that make good gifts for Flo, who likes Ornate, purple items and dislikes Modern items. animal crossing animal crossing flo animal crossing marcie animal crossing new horizons my bad quality (Apparently all my friends on Animal Crossing New Horizons always come onto my island.
Her Japanese name is a pun on rei, meaning cold.
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Animal Crossing Requests - Flo (Human Version) by hyakaru ...
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Flo | Animal Crossing Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Flo - Amiibo Card - Animal Crossing | eBay
All tiers are ordered based on your votes! These animal crossing stickers are AMAZING! Animal Crossing - McBungle: Mayor Flo.