Soleil Animal Crossing. Her name is derived from the French word "soleil" which means "sun.". She first appeared in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
Soleil Animal Crossing Coloring Page - Free Animal ... (Kyle Carson)
Her name is French for 'sun', while her Japanese name is the Hindi word for 'peaceful'. Soleil is a snooty hamster villager in the Animal Crossing series. It is not known when the content on this page will be released, only that this content exists in the assets.
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Her name is derived from the French word "soleil" which means "sun.".
Soleil's Photo (New Horizons) - Nookipedia, the Animal ...
Embedded | Animal crossing game, Animal crossing
motifs rivière en tronc de bois | Motif acnl, Soeur doigt ...
Big Top's Birthday - Jeff's New Leaf Blog
Snooty | Animal Crossing Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Soleil - Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki
Animal Crossing | | Page 4
Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Day 19: Soleil Ships Siblings ...
Acnl soleil | Tumblr
Soleil is an orange hamster with blonde hair, along with yellow ears and cheeks. The following is a list of items that make good gifts for Soleil, who likes Modern, orange items and dislikes Rock items. Her eyes are big and green.